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Red Moon Road and "Valley View Estates" high-density residential

County Planning

"Valley View Estates"

This 10 acre, forested parcel was rezoned in 2007 from A-2 to P-D. In 2018, it was platted for 18 single family lots on 6.18 acres (1.8 dwelling units per acre), with 4 acres of "open space" divided among four separate pieces. Primary access can be developed off of Hotel Way via an easement through the adjacent parcel, 1053 Red Moon Road. This property is already included in the Evergreen Metro/West Jefferson County water and sanitation districts, but does not yet have taps or infrastructure. This development plan received a variance in 2015 for grading, allowing three areas to exceed the County limit and to grade to 44’ of vertical disturbance. The development density and slopes on this parcel will result in clearcutting of the hillside, and the drainage will be directed to a detention pond. The highly visible hillside behind Jiffy Lube will be transformed into a suburban-like subdivision.

The development envisions also encompassing the adjacent parcel, 1053 Red Moon Road, which is currently zoned A-2 and has one, single family house.

"1053 Red Moon Road"

Short Term Rental application:
• Related County policy: Zoning Resolution § 11. Board of Adjustment
(page 3: B.2.e. Short Term Rental permit)

While the owner pursues rezoning, he has applied for a Short Term Rental permit for the house at 1053 Red Moon Road (#2024 121574 000 00 VC). That application will be considered at a Board of Adjustment hearing on 11/6/2024. (see Action Items)

Rezoning proposal:
• Related County policy: Zoning Resolution § 6. Rezoning and Special Use

The 5-acre parcel known as 1053 Red Moon Rd is zoned A-2. The developer proposes 18 additional lots and is seeking rezoning to MR-3, with several lots that could become duplexes or multi-family housing. A community meeting required by the County was held on 7/10/2024; it was incorrectly advertised and a second poorly-advertised meeting was held remotely on 9/5/2024 (#2024 122492 000 00 CMT).

The parcel is not yet included in the EMD/WJCMD water/sanitation districts and would need to petition for inclusion.


Letter: Density is not in Evergreen’s character, or interest (Canyon Courier, 8/17/2023, p.12)

Action Items

County hearing: Board of Adjustment hearing, 9 a.m., 11/6/2024, regarding Short Term Rental permit for the house at 1053 Red Moon Road (#2024 121574 000 00 VC). The BOA will consider impacts of the proposed use to the surrounding area including but not limited to:
 • Traffic impacts, volume of trips, safety and access;
 • Fire hazards;
 • Visual and aesthetic impact, including bulk and scale of buildings as they relate to the uses on surrounding properties;
 • Noise;
 • Drainage, erosion, and flood hazards;
 • Community character;
 • Adequate water and sewage disposal availability;
 • The availability of methods of mitigating the negative impacts of the proposed use upon the surrounding area;
 • The compatibility of the short-term rental with the existing and allowable land uses in the surrounding area; and
 • The effect upon health, safety and welfare of the residents in the surrounding area.
Case manager: Jamie Hartig (